Welcome to Robert Guske’s blog

- Robert Guske
- @RobertGuske
- rguske
- vExpert: #3288
Professional Information
I’m an accomplished, hands-on, & well informed IT professional with 20+ years of experience in providing strategic guidance regarding IT technology and infrastructural enhancements. I’m a tech enthusiast and actively engaged in shaping the future of cloud-native tech through my commitment and passion for the principles of collaboration and innovation.
In my current role as a Senior Specialist Solution Architect for Red Hat’s enterprise leading hybrid cloud application platform OpenShift, I’m supporting internal teams as well as customers running challenging workshops as well as Proof-of-Concepts (PoC). Besides this solution specific responsibility, I’m always eager to encourage and support clients and organizations to adopt new technologies to accomplish their business goals and IT objectives. These technologies are mainly oriented towards application modernization as well as on the platforms to run such modern applications (Microservices).
I’m also a proud ex-VMware employee. During my time at VMware, I served customers and partners in different roles. Roles like in post-sales as a Staff Technical Account Manager or in pre-sales as a Lead Emerging Solutions Engineer.
Becoming a VMware Office of the CTO Ambassador counts to my greatest achievements. Members are involved in advocating VMware’s technological innovations, assisting with customer engagements, and contributing to the company’s strategic technological direction. Furthermore, ensuring an active collaboration between VMware’s R&D, field organizations as well as customers across the globe is also an important part of the program.
In addition to the achievement of becoming a CTO Ambassador, I was part of the initial team which created and maintained the official VMware open-source project VMware Event Broker Appliance. The experience each individual of the team has gained and the successes the team has achieved are among the most valuable in my professional career.
- Homepage: https://vmweventbroker.io
- Repository: https://github.com/vmware-samples/vcenter-event-broker-appliance/
- VEBA related articles written by Robert: https://rguske.github.io/tags/veba/
More details on Linked.

VMware vExpert Program

Status: Active 2019 - 2024
vExpert Directory: #3288
Acknowledgement by sharing passion and gained experience with the community.

vExpert Subprograms

Speaking, Podcasting, Demoing, Staff and Initiatives
Epic Tech Podcast Episode #1 - August 2024
Title | Link |
10 Jahre Container Innovation mit VMware | LINK |

VMware Explore Europe 2023
Breakout | Title | Link |
MAPB1264BCN | Get Started with Containers, Kubernetes and VMware Tanzu. | Explore Video Library |
I'm slowly processing and recapping past @VMwareExplore. What a blast I had 💥
— Robert Guske (@RobertGuske) November 13, 2023
I gratefully thanks everyone who showed up on @Alec1823 and my session #MAPB1246BCN 🙏🏻 . What a packed room 😃. Awesome experience again. #VMware 💙 pic.twitter.com/em9S7hJO7n
ContainerDays 2023
Title | Link |
Enabling event-driven automation using Knative | LINK |
After a rough start AV wise the demo gods are with @vmw_rguske! Amazing live coding session going on at stage K4🤘 #CDS23 #kubernetes #k8s #knative pic.twitter.com/vSbzhFbVta
— David de Hoop ☁️🚀🧑💻 (@DavidShadoow) September 11, 2023
Burn-4-IT Podcast Episode #34 - February 2023
Title | Link |
Event getriebene Automatisierung mit Robert Guske | LINK |

VMware Explore Europe 2022
Breakout | Title | Link |
OSB2534EUR | Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Event-Driven Automation for VMware Partners. | Explore Video Library |
KUBT2977EUR | Get Started with Containers, Kubernetes, and Tanzu. | Explore Video Library |
[1] Just took a moment to recap @VMwareExplore 2022. It was SUCH A BLAST💥I loved the energy & excitement of all the attendees. I had so many tremendous and appreciated conversations with our customers and partners.
— Robert Guske (@RobertGuske) November 14, 2022
Not only during my MTE sessions (#KUBM2982EUR) but also... pic.twitter.com/hVcuWDlV4z
VMware UserCon 2022
Breakout | Title | Link |
Breakout | VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations - A DevSecOps roleplay. | Link to the Agenda |
Now on stage at #DEVMUG @Alec1823 & @vmw_rguske talking about all things #k8s #DevSecOps by leveraging @VMwareTanzu for #Kubernetes Operations👏🏻 pic.twitter.com/lEWw5bVKHd
— Raiko Mesterheide (@raimes) May 5, 2022
VMworld 2021
Breakout | Title | Link |
CODE2762 | DIY Deployment of Event-Driven Automation in vSphere Environments | VMworld Video Library |
VMware UserCon 2021
Breakout | Title | Link |
Breakout | NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi) - Load Balancer für Next Gen und traditionelle Apps | LINK |
Breakout | Title | Link |
Breakout | Event-Diven Automation with the VMware Event Broker Appliance - Reloaded | Link to the Agenda |
VMware Usergroup Conference 2020: Gleich startet der nächste Session-Block: https://t.co/XN4DJ3XZBG @vmw_rguske @embano1 @raimes @LarsFiechtner @microlytix #dachvmug #vmug #vmware pic.twitter.com/ilP6acuElv
— Jochen Ramm (@virtMark) December 15, 2020
Breakout | Title | Link |
Breakout | Event-Driven interactions with vSphere using Functions as a Service | Link to the Agenda |
Here comes my amazing friend and colleague @vmw_rguske presenting the next #DEVMUG breakout session on "Event-driven interactions with vSphere using Functions as a Service" + highlighting the @VMwareTAM program #RunAllTheThings pic.twitter.com/qgDeCoEthh
— Bjoern Brundert (@bbrundert) May 22, 2019
Activity @ | Duty | Evidence |
Container Days Hamburg 2019 | STAFF - at the VMware booth to present the Modern Apps strategy and vision. | Tweet below |
Hamburg is welcoming all @ConDaysEU attendees with best weather 😎☀️. Enjoy #CDS19 pic.twitter.com/D74PZFVZwg
— Robert Guske (@RobertGuske) June 25, 2019
Great to have @cmcluck on stage for kicking off #CDS19. The main hall was fully packed. I feel energized ⚡️ pic.twitter.com/R8ophr0gfw
— Robert Guske (@RobertGuske) June 25, 2019
Activity @ | Duty | Evidence |
VMworld 2018, Barcelona | STAFF - at the VMware Cloud Foundation booth - VMworld Expo Area. | Tweet below |
It was my pleasure working with you @shmimahadevan this year at the @vmwcf booth. „The VCF-booth tag team“ #VMworld pic.twitter.com/4OrbEyL4B5
— Robert Guske (@RobertGuske) November 8, 2018
Activity @ | Duty | Evidence |
VMworld 2018, Barcelona | STAFF - Representing the VMware TAM program at the VMworld TAM Customer Central area. | Tweet below |
This is a great #VMwareAd, the company that brought you VMs, will be the leader in enterprise Containers in due course. #VMworld https://t.co/H7LsSCCq6t
— Sanjay Poonen (@spoonen) November 5, 2018
Activity @ | Duty | Evidence |
VMware TAM Customer Roundtable 2018, Hamburg | HOST & SPEAKER - An exclusive event for VMware TAM customers. Robert organized and hosted the event as well as presented on it. | Tweet below |
1st @VMwareTAM Customer #Automation #Roundtable in #Hamburg took place. Thanks to all who participated, shared valueable content and gave us helpful feedback. Many thx to @Jay_Jay_HH and @joerglew for your support here👊🏻 You guys 🤘🏻 pic.twitter.com/Rpisc5NmUj
— Robert Guske (@RobertGuske) June 5, 2018
Activity @ | Duty | Evidence |
VMworld 2017, Barcelona | STAFF - VMworld Hands-on Labs team-member. | Tweet below |

Providing conference attendees a unique Hands-on Labs experience was part of his role and he took it seriously 😊 .

Activity @ | Outcome | Evidence |
Bechtle IT Forum Nord, Hamburg | SPEAKER - The IT Forum Nord is a customer facing event hosted by the Bechtle IT Systemhaus Hamburg GmbH. Employed as a Datacenter Consultant at this time, he presented on the topic Hyperconverged Solutions by Hewlett Packard Enterprise. | Link to the customer invitation |