In this section I´m going to list a couple of applications which I´m using for my desktop and how you can easily install them from your shell. Of course, it´s not a must and it´s up to you which of them you´d like to install.
This package manager is pre-installed and ready for use on Ubuntu but not on CentOS. Nevertheless, we can install it subsequently via the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux.
VSCode has a REALLY rich extensibility model which gives you everything you need to work even more efficiently and faster. It´ll not be possible to avoid that more and more extensions and other niceties are added to your installation and as of today it´s not possible to have everything consistent across different systems or platforms through an Online-Account like you have e.g. for Google Chrome.
Thus I´d like to recommend using the VSCode Settings sync extension for it. It uses your GitHub account (required) token and Gist, to give you the ability to upload as well as download your settings, snippets, themes and so forth.
Just search for the extension at the marketplace, install it, select LOGIN WITH GITHUB (get redirected) and follow the instructions. Since you´ve created your Gist-ID you´re ready to go to upload as well as to download your settings.
Upload Key : Shift + Alt + U
Download Key : Shift + Alt + D
(on macOS: Shift + Option + U / Shift + Option + D)
Set VSCode as default editor for Git
Open your terminal and execut: git config --global core.editor “code --wait”
Remmina is a Remote Desktop Client which supports multiple network protocols like e.g. RDP, VNC, SPICE, NX, XDMCP and SSH.
sudo snap install remmina
Figure I: Remmina - Remote Desktop Client
Content sharing
I was looking for a workspace where I can share content, mainly files like scripts or specification-files (.yml, .json) across platforms. It´s possible by default to activate Online Accounts (Figure II) like e.g. Google or Nextcloud in both distributions through the System Settings.
dropbox--helpDropboxcommand-lineinterfacecommands:autostartautomaticallystartDropboxatloginexcludeignores/excludesadirectoryfromsyncingfilestatusgetcurrentsyncstatusofoneormorefileshelpprovidehelplansyncenablesordisablesLANsynclslistdirectorycontentswithcurrentsyncstatusproxysetproxysettingsforDropboxpuburlgetpublicurlofafileinyourDropbox's public folderrunningreturnwhetherDropboxisrunningsharelinkgetasharedlinkforafileinyourDropboxstartstartdropboxdstatusgetcurrentstatusofthedropboxdstopstopdropboxdthrottlesetbandwidthlimitsforDropboxupdatedownloadlatestversionofDropboxversionprintversioninformationforDropbox
Enable Dropbox to start automatically after every reboot:
cd ~ && wget -O - ""| tar xzf -
sudo mkdir -p /opt/dropbox
sudo cp -r .dropbox-dist/* /opt/dropbox
By executing /opt/dropbox/dropboxd you should be forwarded to the Dropbox homepage where you have to login to authenticate the connection request. After this, quite the running Dropbox on your terminal with ctrl + c.